
Bespoke 1-1 tutoring
We offer one-to-one tutoring and mentoring, small group instruction, intervention programs, customised curriculum development, and support for students with various learning disabilities and behavioural challenges.

Homeschooling support
At Powertutors, we specialise in Home Schooling, offering expert advice, guidance, and top tutors to ensure the best program for your child. Unlike other agencies, we provide tailored timetables, mock exams, quarterly reports, and SEN specialists. We also assist with school handovers and arranging end-of-year exams.

Subjects offered
We offer core subjects, such as English, Maths, and Science as well as a multitude of different subjects.

Levels of education
In addition to general tutoring we offer exam preparation for 7+, 11+ and common entrance exams, SATS, GCSE, AS, and A-level.

Our fees range from £48/hour for Core Learning Tutors, all the way up to £65 for Specialist Learning Tutors.
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